Wednesday, June 17, 2009

10 Reasons to Have Alternate Income Streams

A friend of mine was the COO of a company for 13 years. The company was sold 6 months ago and the new owners let him go with only two weeks of severance pay! Those sorry dogs!

Anyhow it got me thinking. It's not only business owners like me who need multiple income streams but everyone needs a diverse occupational portfolio -- as I think of it. so here are my 10 reasons to have alternate income streams.

1. Jobs are no longer secure regardless how big the company is and how lofty your position is within that company.

2. Employers no longer feel a responsibility toward employees and will lay off as a first resort, not a last resort.

3. Your retirement investments are not in one stock, you diversify your investments for better security and income balance. You should do the same with your earning streams for the same reasons.

4. You can never be fired from 100% of your income when they come from multiple sources.

5. You have better control of your financial situation because you make the decisions for each income stream.

6. You have options of which income stream you want to focus on depending on what is doing well at the time. Ride the wave of one while it’s hot and when it’s down you can ride the wave of another income stream.

7. It maintains excitement for work because you have variety. So you are less likely to fall into a rut.

8. You meet different types of people in different jobs providing you greater growth potential and a larger network.

9. You always have options and flexibility.

10. Make sure one of those income streams is from a home based business. You are in complete control of that business.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

10 Reasons Not to be a Cynic

Are you like me tired of every where you turn you run into a cynic? It seems the economy, poor business leadership and questionable government actions, not to mention professional cynics on TV, seem to be turning us to a country where cynicism is the default emotion. I say those of us who dislike the cynical attitudes and desire a more positive approach to living copy the following list and send it to our cynical friends and family.

Let's turn this negativism around one person at a time!

10 Reasons Not to be a Cynic

1. Always taking a contrary position puts you at constants odds with people.

2. If you never trust others, deep down you no longer trust yourself.

3. Cynicism never made anyone a better person.

4. It’s easy to always say, “No” but the person you hurt most is yourself.

5. If you always think negatively, you get what you expect.

6. The definition of cynicism: an attitude of jaded negativity. Does that sound healthy?

7. Most cynics look for opportunities to be critical. Isn’t it better to look for opportunities to be constructive?

8. It takes character to make a positive difference. It takes little effort to be destructively cynical.

9. Cynics are fuels by anger. Optimists are fueled by eagerness. Which do you prefer to fuel your life?

10. Is “Pissed Off” the default setting you want in life?